Sword 2 Video Contest Entries

G2g catch a plane!

Quick update! I'll fix later:

Alright guys! I was really distraught when I thought I could not compete in the contest because 1) the prizes are awesome 2) I really want to help make sword 2 awesome so my WOW friends will stop giving me crap. What a challenge the G1 team made with the different resolution T_T I cried when I saw all the footage I would not be able to use.The Video was originally taken in 1440 x 900.Also its really unlike all my other videos because there is no music and no transitions... I am leaving May 29th in the Morning and I work during the day so I only had two nights to record and edit all of this...That was one hell of an experience. Its not as good as I know it could be, and I am not super happy with it, but I think it captures enough of what makes sword awesome to me! Best of Luck G1 at the expo and good luck chipping / leveling fellow Sword 2 players, hope you enjoy the vids!

I have divided my entries into the following:

Explore - Locations
Explore - characters
Unite - Circus
Unite - Ta
Conquer - PY

About Exploration Locations...Remember no Music or Transitions was allowed in the entry...

Okay so its really hard to find things you have not seen in my other vids -_- I have done my best to show new stuff. I wish G1 could redo some of the leveling process because there are sooooo many fantastic places that you may never see because you skipped them!

About Exploration Characters... Remember no Music or Transitions was allowed in the entry...

I recorded some of Sword 2's characters doing multiple skills...There are a TON of awesome skills and abilities open to a wide variety of characters. Here are a few samples...

Special Thanks to:
Gastaigne (NoblesseOblige) - Claires, Cally
Harrowden (ShaketheHeavens) - Nar
Daystars (ShaketheHeavens) - Ania, Selva

About Unite TA... Remember no Music or Transitions was allowed in the entry...

This is a quick sample of the Team Areana Event. This Video shows the arena and some of the different enemies and mosters present within

Special Thanks to:
Neue (ShaketheHeavens) - Fighter (f), Brunie, Musketeer (f)

About Unite Circus... Remeber no Music or Transitions was allowed in the entry...

This is a quick sample of the daily Circus Raid. As I said I was short on time to record all of this... By the time I got around to circus footage all my clannies had gone already. Here I take around with the always delightful clan NoblesseOblige. Please don't ask me about the noise Arsene makes when he dies...I have no idea what the hell that was suppose to be!

About Conquer Poision Yard... Remember no Music or Transitions was allowed in the entry...

In a last ditch effort to get a PVP based entry in, a group of ShaketheHeavens and a group from Pedobear joined together for some fun!


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