New Bash!

During CW not everyone is focused: Oh man, poor Gertrude has problems:

When new players return to the game it can get hilarious:
Oh no he didn't!
The Bonuses of Image editing:
Caly is such a freak!
Just taking 300 for a stroll......
Old Clan names.
Communicating with others:
Monty Python what?
G1's April Fools
My April fools on LionofGenesis:

Hope you enjoyed!

Also there is a self-reference sheet on
It would be great if people would leave comments on what to add there because that would be really really handy. Its there on the right side....



Hahahah oh wow I really enjoyed reading those. Seems like such a nice and lively clan!

Also since it's not possible to comment on the actual sheet so I guess I'll just do it here..

Here is an sGE compilation about stances and the links to threads that discuss skill-maxing.

Adding to non-transferable cards:
Adelina the Pirate, Battlesmith Idge, Soho the Fighter, Ania, Baek Ho, Calypso, Claire, Eduardo, Kurt, Emilia the Sage, Helena, Irawain, Iron Chef Panfilo, Vincent Rio, Soso.

Raid tips'n'tricks:
Bounty Hunter's Guild Caebolan/Oculta: If you are using Musketeer/Bernelli*, you may find they easily die on the way to the warp point. Set them to kneeling shot and there won't be a problem with getting them through it alive. In both raids flintlock is also outside of all AoE-ranges.

* Did not add Rescue Knight/Romina because they should be able to survive.

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