Ania has a big butt

Fritz is Yoda?

I have seen this a few times before... but here it is.. two ridiculous quotes from Fritz ! Finally, finished Gracielo's quests.....

Master Battlesmith Idge

Utilizing the 2 weeks of 100% experience buff...I trained my one and only favorite character to Master level. I present to you Winry, my MASTER BSI. That was one freaking long grind... but it feels great to be a master now! Good Luck to everyone and pray they give us another week!

Sword of the New World Movie!

Check out my new movie on YouTube!

t is finally Finished! The Movie is Complete, Thanks to all who participated....and for those that did not get a chance can next time...Remember to turn the Sound on for it!

Thanks Stutts for cheering me on.

Turn the Sound ON! This is a quick introduction to the MMO Sword of the New World. This video features some of the locations, classes and bosses that can be found within the game. There is also a segment that features the new content that was just added in the new patch v3.4. The last section of the video features my clan, ShakeTheHeavens. This is my first video I am publishing, I realize there is a lot of room for improvement so constructive criticism is appreciated. Finally, Sorry to all my clannies that did not get a chance to be featured in this video, don't worry I'll get you in the next one. Feel Free to PM me in game, Although I'll probably be afk =P

The Greedy One!

There I was just minding my own business when the King of Greed/Coventry himself showed up Twice in a single day to wreak havoc upon my poor Winry.... Its okay though, shes tough and luckily a ton of sth clannies rush to my aid!

To be a Master

We All want to be Masters...Just not always the same type.

Soso makes Expert!

Yay, So yesterday Soso finally made expert. The experience from soloing in Via/Wetlands is surprisingly good. I made about 70% a day with the buff pet out.

Maint for 4/13



Pan Pan and Quick Money

So, I was never going to get a pan pan, because he eats too much food! I am not wealthy so I said no to the pan pan. Anyway, I was hunting the DB and spewing the timers into clan chat when Azr Suggested I pop out my Pan pan right before I kill it. Well....I had to tell him I didn't have one. I went to the MM and found one there for 25m....I was going to only pay 20m but I guess it doesn't get that much better.

Funny enough TA1 was right around that time. I stood there telling people I would start for money. Yea...well....I made that money back! =) Cheers to me selling out Helena's services for money =P

Below is a picture of the surprised Helena and my new Pan Pan I named LingWong after the only full sized panda in Guild Wars Factions

Vet Scroll Tip

For the love of all that's holy. Don't buy vet scrolls from other players selling from 20-27m. A better solution, Vet scrolls are 250k feso in the feso shop now. Instead of buying scrolls, buy 250k feso at 1:70. This means 250k * 70 = 17.5m yay! you save some money. Do it.

CW 4/10/2010

So a quick recap of CW:

For STH we just picked up some new members from the former S.T.A.R.S clan. New members include:

7. jarguonazz
11. Veronican

|Justice| lead us to victory capturing Tetra Hill and scorching. Exciting CW because we took Tetra and Scorching, then they took Tetra Back, and in the last 12 min we took it back again =)

I also discovered my crappy builder team can get a colony from 50 down to 38k in ~10 min.

Pedobear got some new members from S.T.A.R.S. also. One dude I met was Eigenmann...genuinely nice talkative fellow.

Also something sneaky happened that I just realized. |Justice| won the election because probably all of Phalanx voted for him. Apparently, if you are the winner of the election, you cannot switch the leader....This means we can't buff Lion for LG....Crap!

FI Treasures #5

So I signed on and saw the notification.....what the heck may as well....

I got:

Lvl 100 Daemon Slayer
Lvl 84e Mustang Strider
Lvl 84e Elite Mantis Rod

Ida forces a Caly

A extraordinarily generous clannie holds a competition every Monday in STH. The goal of the contest is that Ida posts a picture of a location and the competitors have to find this location in game. The winner recieves a ton of loot. Sadly, this weeks competition requires a vet calypso. So I spent essentially all week leveling myself a Caly. I dunno why it took so long this time around, normally I can vet a character in four days. Oh well....Today I have a vet Caly.

In, Clan news, S.T.A.R.S. disbanded because they may be merging with us. This is very sudden and it seems our vices were not consulted. I don't think anyone in STH is happy about this merge.

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

Szidonia offers some information on the difference between boys and girls.

Ranger Gives Advice

Saw this one as I was lining up for TA1. Ranger is funny =)
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